1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Fuel your goals.  1:1 Nutrition Coaching is ideal for those who want to eliminate the guesswork and and build high performance habits. Work directly with me to achieve your goals on the most efficient path possible, with knowledge, guidance, and accountability.



Fuel your goals. Eliminate the guesswork, get accountability and empowerment, and optimize your performance with 1:1 Nutrition Coaching.

After completing a detailed questionnaire, you will receive a detailed and customized nutrition plan including nutrition rationale, recommended calories, macronutrients, meal timing, and fueling training. Your plan takes into consideration your lifestyle, training, preferences, and other personal factors.

Your plan is only the start.  1:1 Nutrition Coaching is centered on accountability, empowerment, developing strategies and tactics around healthy eating, unlocking your intrinsic motivations, and formation of high performance habits. For accountability, you will be checking in twice per week, with periodic face to face (in person or virtual) meetings. You’ll also have access to the FB Group to meet other clients, swap recipes, and share.

Coaching is likely the best option for you if:

  • ​You have highly specific performance or physique goals
  • You’re training for events or competitions
  • You’ve hit a plateau and are struggling to lose weight or build muscle
  • You find that what worked before is no longer working, or feel training performance is not optimal
  • You have a history of yo-yo dieting and are looking for sustainable change and building long term healthy habits
  • You feel overwhelmed and aren’t sure how to start
  • Your nutrition needs to be adjusted due to injury recovery

To get started, please fill out this contact form. I will follow up within 24 hours.

 Please add kim@modus-energy.com to your contact list to ensure my email goes to your inbox.

Great to meet you.

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